Monday, May 12, 2008

Automobiles & Self Sufficiency

Once in a great while I find something that is just fantastic. And, sometimes the circumstances prompting such finds is less that ideal. You see, I have a sick Chevy S-10 pickup.

A few weeks ago I started smelling gas. This weekend I started digging into the problem. After carefully removing several wires and hoses and other connectors, I was at the crux of the problem. There it was. A sick fuel injector.

I remove it and see something odd. The O-rings were just flopping around the injector. BINGO! So, for $5 I buy an O-Ring set from Auto-Zone, replace them on the injector, and carefully put it back into the engine.

With the help of my parts cleaner/daughter everything was nicely cleaned up and put back together. What a 'rush' for someone who has done little more than change spark-plugs and bleed a clutch over the last 20 some years.

I turn the key; my heart skips a beat with anticipation; 'Will it start? Will it run? Did I do this right?'


YES! It starts! I step out of the trck, feeling like the master of my automotive world. Until... Until I look at the fuel injector again. DAMN! Dripping wet with fuel again!

So, I locate this website: Supposedly I could post my problem & a real mechanic will answer it... For FREE! Now, if you donate a little, they will respond quicker.

Saturday night I post the problem and the next morning, there it is. A mechanic posted back that the injector would need to be replaced. Deep down I knew that, but didn't want to admit it. Oh well.

Anyway, kudos to the guys at Anyone who drives and strives to be self sufficient should know of this site. Everyone needs a little help now & then.

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