Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sustainable Ag

I find it interesting when sustainable agriculture is mentioned in the news. It seems as if it is becoming mainstream. Is it possible sustainable agriculture will be a savior of society? Perhaps.

Here are some recent sustainable agriculture news: Sustainable Agriculture and Global Health Conference; Ohio Sustainable Agricultural license plates; and Buying Local can Help Food Crisis.

There are more, just google it.

In the 1970's when I was a farm kid, sustainable agriculture was just common sense. There seemed to be a need to be balanced. Crop rotation, idling productive land and natural fertilization. Farmers that operated fruit and vegetable stands would combine crops. Popcorn with pumpkins. Melons with oats. Some of their combinations seemed odd and others didn't work.

Sustainable agriculture is all about sustainable living. Living in balance with our environment had become 'quaint.' Only 'hippies' and 'communists' and old-school farmers practiced it. Now is is becoming popular and rather important. Good. It's about time.

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